
Are you ready to transform your school?

The PREP Group can assist in creating a thriving environment for your school staff and students by helping to create procedures and protocols that include evidence-based practices without the use of restraint or seclusion, ever.

Our service does not stop at consultation. We will assist in the process of your customized strategic plan for your schools using tools and resources that we have created to help in this transformation.

Student first

The PREP Group can assist you in advancing your current teaching and instructional strategies utilizing a variety of tools, including verbal and nonverbal measures and ring scales to ensure a complete picture of each student. We believe that developing a comprehensive educational program starts with a thorough understanding of each student as a unique individual.

Our team can conduct a psychoeducational assessment including observations across multiple settings; interviews with parents, school staff, and outside support providers where applicable; cognitive development; processing abilities utilizing the cross-battery method of assessment when appropriate; academic achievement; adaptive skills; social-emotional functioning; consideration of eligible criteria.

We also offer Education Related Mental Health Services (ERMHS) including, but not limited to, Individual counseling (510) and Counseling and Guidance (515). For student who require social/emotional support to supplement a behavior program, services are available in different settings, with a strong focus on the cultivation of self-awareness, self-monitoring, and social skill development.

The PREP Group can also offer:

  • Paraprofessional Trainings
  • Behavioral Best Practices
  • Managing Challenging Behaviors
  • Evading Physical Aggression
  • Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Basics
  • Discrete Trial Training (DTT)
  • Functional Communication Training